

April 24, 2023


3 Min.

The top 5 ways LeaseUp saves brokerage teams time

Brokerage teams tell us LeaseUp has saved them days–sometimes weeks–on tenant rep deals. Here’s how.

Light green background with a line drawing of a survey page overlapped by a stop watch
Light green background with a line drawing of a survey page overlapped by a stop watch
Article summary: LeaseUp helps brokerage teams save substantial time on tenant rep deals through features like swift survey creation, project folders for seamless organization, and digital collaboration tools. These efficiencies enhance productivity, streamline decision-making, and ultimately speed up deal cycles and increase deal volume.

When we talk to teams, the phrase that we always hear is: Time kills all deals.

LeaseUp’s CRE deal platform saves our users three to five days on every single deal, sometimes more, depending on how they’re using the platform. We help teams increase their win rates and allow them to work with more clients, ultimately increasing the number of deals closed in a year.

Here are five ways we help brokerages save time on tenant rep transactions.

1. Create market surveys in a fraction of the time

The most immediate time savings you’ll see when starting out with LeaseUp is in survey creation time. Some teams have told us they make surveys 75% faster on LeaseUp than the old way of making surveys with spreadsheets and PDF creation software. “It’s made my life easier,” said Chris Gorczya from T3 Advisors in Boston, whose survey creation time went from up to a full work day to as fast as half an hour.

These savings increase over time, too. As users become more familiar with LeaseUp, and more of their data lives on the platform, the faster they’re able to turn raw market data into client-ready surveys. In other words, the time you save scales up the more you use LeaseUp.

2. Organize all work with a client in a single project folder

LeaseUp project folders are an intuitive way to keep all brokers and clients on the same page. This can be especially helpful for complex searches or multi-market deals.

One of our users based in the Twin Cities saves hours of manual effort reusing building data across LeaseUp surveys. "I love that LeaseUp keeps the history [of] the properties we added. There is a lot of overlap at times, especially with office property. So it's amazing that LeaseUp saves that information so you're not re-inputting it every time."

Multi-market deals can result in an exponential increase in communications in some cases, but LeaseUp lets brokers orchestrate deals with consistent and efficient surveys organized in project folders.

3. Invite team members and clients for collaboration

Our users save days (if not weeks) collecting client feedback using LeaseUp. Simple things like scheduling a call with a key decision-maker on the client’s end can add a week or more to the transaction process. Digital surveys accessible to clients and team members via a link can cut down on client back-and-forth and reduce the number of people that need to attend a tour.

Corbin Shoquist from Site Selection Group in Dallas told us: "The people that we're dealing with, C-suite executives, it's not their full-time job to look for real estate. Whenever time allows for them to review a survey, you keep the ball rolling while it's hot… You have to make it as easy as possible for people to view it.”

4. Create a custom PDF survey or tour book

Once you’ve built a survey, generating a branded, customized PDF takes only a few clicks. 

“On the mass quantity level that we're putting out deliverables, there's no way that we could go back to the old way. Our clients have gotten used to the speed that we're able to deliver.”

Prior to LeaseUp, when Allie McCracken at Transwestern had the survey data she needed, she would send it to marketing in a spreadsheet, then wait one or two days for a PDF depending on the marketing team’s availability. “They have a million other things to be doing themselves and timelines to meet. If they have stuff on their desk, market surveys get pushed, and I lose sleep because the survey hasn't gotten sent out.”

LeaseUp cuts out this lag time by letting you generate polished PDF surveys and tour books quickly, on your own.

5. Streamline the touring process

LeaseUp deliverables work for tours as well as surveys. During a tour, clients can open up a LeaseUp building page on their mobile device and take notes on properties in real time via the comments section. 

A team using LeaseUp told us that the data that they can present to their client using the product has reduced the number of people needed to go on a tour by streamlining the feedback collection phase of the transaction. “If the client was going to bring 5 people to answer 5 questions, they might be able to bring 2 people now, because those other two had their questions answered just by looking at the pictures or what was on that survey.”

Which of these features would save you the most time? Sign up for a free trial to find out for yourself.