LeaseUp News


December 1, 2022


1 Min.

New in LeaseUp: custom location, homepage updates, and more

Custom map pin and building display address highlight this release

Light gray background with an illustration of two pieces of paper, a light gray one stacked on a light green one. On the top sheet is the LeaseUp logo in the top left with the headline "Release Notes December 01, 2022"
Light gray background with an illustration of two pieces of paper, a light gray one stacked on a light green one. On the top sheet is the LeaseUp logo in the top left with the headline "Release Notes December 01, 2022"
Article summary: Updates on LeaseUp, including custom location features and homepage enhancements. Users can now customize building addresses and map pin locations, making surveys more versatile.

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Featured in this release

Custom building address and map pin location

One of the most requested features we’ve heard from multiple teams. Now you can create a custom display address in LeaseUp, for properties without an address, land deals, or other scenarios where you need to manually edit the way a building address appears in a survey. You can also change where the map pin for a building appears with a simple drag and drop in this new update.

Surveys added to broker home

To make the transition to projects smoother, we've added surveys to your homepage. Now, any survey you have access to will appear below projects. Surveys that are added to a project will also show up on the project page.

Also in this release

🔗  Copy a survey link directly from a project or survey page. Learn more

↔️  Transfer project ownership from your account to another user. Learn more

📄  Shared surveys added to My Stuff so you can see all of the surveys you have access to in LeaseUp.

🖼️  Image cropping in PDFs has been fixed for any users experiencing issues.

🏢  PDF building page layout updated to better organize and accommodate custom field data.

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