

June 8, 2023


2 Min.

Organize your work with project folders

Three ways project folders help you stay organized within a specific client search, across the life of a deal, or across multi-market searches

Light green background with three project cards stacked reading "Dallas Retail Project", "Austin Office Project", and "Houston Industrial Project"
Light green background with three project cards stacked reading "Dallas Retail Project", "Austin Office Project", and "Houston Industrial Project"
Article summary: LeaseUp introduces project folders to enhance organization within its platform, offering three key benefits: organizing multiple versions of surveys for specific searches, providing transparency in decision-making processes, and managing multi-market deals efficiently. Project folders are centralized spaces to store all assets related to a deal, allowing users to track progress, collaborate effectively, and stay organized across various stages of each transaction.

Projects are where your work in LeaseUp is organized. You can think of an individual project as a folder that contains all of the assets you’ve made for a given deal: surveys and tour books, for example.

Projects are a useful way to keep track of your work by organizing it in specific folders. Just as you’d keep PDFs and client documents in a folder on your desktop, you can centralize all of the work you put into building surveys and gathering feedback in a LeaseUp project.

Here are three ways project folders help you stay organized.

Use projects to organize multiple versions of a survey

One of the most common ways to use LeaseUp projects like folders is to organize multiple surveys related to a specific search. For example, a client that wants to find a new Austin HQ could visit the project page on LeaseUp to see a survey made while pitching them, the initial survey, and any additional surveys made as the search was refined or more options were presented. A project in this case acts like a folder where you can store all of your ‘Austin HQ’ surveys, and where the team can see all of the work being done for the search in one place.

Use project folders to show how decisions are being made

LeaseUp projects are useful to provide transparency as decisions are being made on the client end. As you’re moving through the transaction, you can create new surveys that visualize the narrowing down of options. For example, use a survey as a tour book with just the buildings the client is interested in viewing, or use one with a couple of buildings during lease negotiation while keeping all of the relevant documents attached to the building pages. All these surveys in one project track the evolution of the deal and can be referenced back to at any point.

In other words, use projects as folders to keep surveys for the same search organized as you move through the phases of the transaction.

Use projects to keep track of multi-market deals

Negotiating multi-market deals presents a distinct set of challenges.

Besides needing to keep track of diverse local regulations and market dynamics, there’s the complex work of juggling multiple surveys and tours in different cities, or even states.

A LeaseUp project can help organize multi-market deals that require coordinating with different teams across geographically dispersed areas. Centralizing all of the communication and collaboration required for deals like this keeps everyone on the same page.

Want to see how LeaseUp projects can help better organize your workflow? Sign up for a free trial.